“For Luna” ~ A short love story

It’s often in the evenings, when my eyes are drawn to you. You’re kind. Sometimes it feels like you’re not mine, but I understand. Other times, your gaze is glazed, or perhaps you’re looking straight through me. 

What we have is intimate, although often you seem distant. I wish I could see you more in the day, but we both live such busy lives. We rotate around other things, with heads spinning and minds whirring. Dancing the waltz of life, we’re bound to get the steps wrong from time to time. 

We’re slaves to routine, but I imagine we’d change that in a heartbeat; if only our circumstances were rearranged.

Your complexion doesn’t shift in tone, no matter which part of the world we’re roaming. We’ve spent all the seasons in an embrace, but sometimes it feels like your heart’s too heavy to hold. I’m sure you feel the same. When we speak, your words are delicate, like lyrics to a beautiful melody. I don’t always pay attention to the articulation of the words I speak, and often I don’t speak at all. You can read me, and I believe I can read you, too.

I love to see you in the morning, when you lean on the window of my room and wait for me to wake.

You breathe life into my nighttime. 

You’re my muse; you inspire me. You’ve never turned away from me; except when you must leave. 

I’m fortunate to know you as I do, because you’re more complex than others deem you. You listen to me when I speak, sing or write music; you’re not critical but you listen. And criticism still isn’t that easy to take. 

If only I could see you for more than the hours I do.

Am I permitted to feel envy? I wish I was the one to give you your glow; but we both know that’s not true. 

It’s because of you I daydream; I imagine not being me.

You belong to another, a million miles away.


“Language Barrier”


“Dancing Shoes” ~ A poem